The Hired Veteran

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Update: Summertime, Language School, and Resumes

I wanted to post a quick update on my job search and what is in store for me over the next couple of months.  After graduating with my MBA in May, I packed up and drove with my girlfriend to Vermont.  We have been spending time in her house, which is close to where I went to high school.  It it always nice to be back here even though this trip we have only seen the sun a couple of times in between the rain.

This brings me to the job hunt.  Earlier in the year I made the decision to apply to language school at Middlebury College.  This summer, I realized, would likely be the last chance I would have in a long time to take 7-weeks “off” and I wanted to take advantage of that.  So language school it was!  That has, understandably, made my job search different (read: challenging).  Applying to jobs in the spring but not being able to start working until September is not attractive to companies.  I know this, I understand it, and I was under no illusions that it wouldn’t complicate things.  I have had a few interviews and at least one job fall through because of my potential start date and was flat out told, “If you could have started in June we would have hired you. Circle back in the fall.”

Extremely lucky to be able to go back to this iconic campus this summer 

Bummer, right?  

Sure, but I also am looking forward to what comes out of attending a 7-week immersive language school program at one of the top language schools in the world.  This has meant I have effectively put my applications on hold until later in the summer.  I am very lucky that I am in a position to do this and have the stability and support to take this path.  I may not have a job but I am continuing to better myself and I know that will pay dividends when I begin applying again, in earnest, later this summer.  

So what does that mean for the blog?  

Well, during the language school program you sign the “Language Pledge” that you will only use the language you are studying. From day one you only hear that language in all classes and are required to use it in all conversation, even pillow talk.  So I am effectively not allowed to speak, read, type, or use English.  This means I will not be able to post for the 7-weeks I am gone.  

But I have a plan. And, if I must say so myself, I think readers will find it a good one.

I have asked Patrick Wilkinson (USAF, InvitedHome) to write a series of guest posts for me related to veterans and their resumes.  I won’t steal his thunder since he has an introductory post coming shortly but I will say when it comes to taking your military experience and translating it to the civilian world Patrick is an expert.  So over the next few weeks the blog will effectively be “taken” over by Patrick.  I am positive that the information he is going to provide will be useful to all veterans, whether you have been out for 20 hours or 20 years.  Keep your eyes peeled.  

Thank you all for your support with this pet project and I hope that it continues to be a resource for everyone.  As always please contact me ( if you have any questions or ideas on what you would like to see. I will be checking emails once again after August 18th.