The Hired Veteran

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The cycle of try, stop, try, stop, try

Note: I used Dall-E 2 to come up with the photo for this post. Using the prompt “Struggling to fail”.

Ever since I was in the car coming back from skiing at Breckenridge and had the idea for “The Hired Veteran” I have struggled with the purpose behind the idea. And I use purpose specifically. I believe there is a difference between a purpose and a calling or a passion. I have always wanted to find purpose behind the things I do. Passion to me does not carry the same weight, it is exciting yet fleeting. However, a purpose is a drive, a desire to achieve, to DO.

But, I have started and stopped this project so many times I have lost count. Each time I start it I think “I’m going to keep it going this time, this is the one!”. And some short time later I realize it has been months (or years) between work on the project.

Just like starting a gym routine, or healthier eating, or or or or…we set ourselves up for failure. I recently started reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. In it he talks about the nature of goals versus the systems you implement to achieve the results you want. We always fail at our goals because we do not change the systems that underlay those goals. We WILL lose the weight, we WILL eat better, we WILL do this, or that or whatever…we typically make it a few days, weeks or maybe months, then it is right back to where we started. The scale at the same number, chugging the sodas multiple times a day. We fail at our goals because we only see the end result, not the journey in between. We see A and we see Z but we ignore B through Y.

We see directly from where we are to where are to where we want to be and ignore everything in between (the system). Even worse we put our faith in technology or gadgets. “This new workout thingy will change it all” as it collects dust in the corner. No matter how advanced (hi Peloton in the corner used as a coat rack) or simple (hello kettlebells on the floor with the price tag still on them) the technology is we use, if the system that underlays it all is not supporting the journey, you will fail. You need to see where you are (A) and see where you want to be (Z) but B through Y are equally if not more important.

So what does that have to do with this blog/project/website? I honestly have no idea. I know I want to keep utilizing it to help veterans like myself. Be that in jobs, life, health, whatever I want to do what I can to ensure that all veterans have the ability to be successful in whatever they are pursuing (to find their purpose). So I need to determine the purpose of this site, and what my related personal purpose is for it. Right now, that is going to be one post a week. On whatever strikes me, an artricle I have read, a job posting I have seen. Or the struggles to even get that single post out. But I am going to set the system in place to make that one post a week. I am going to:

1) Say it out loud (“I will post on my blog once a week”)

2) Focus on the process rather than the goal (“I don’t need to know what the point is right now, I may stay at A and B for a long time”)

3) Hold myself accountable (“It is one post a week…just do it!”)