The Hired Veteran

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Follow this person!

Dall-e prompt: Follow this person!

Do yourself a favor, go follow Jason Politte on LinkedIn right now. It doesn’t matter if you are veteran, not a veteran, active duty, anyone. His content and posts around the concept of empathy will provide insight to anyone in any industry.

I was lucky enough to work with Jason towards the very end of my career in the Marines. He has continued to serve in various roles since leaving active duty but has never lost focus on the importance of people. In fact the banner of his LinkedIn profile says “People are always worth it. Always”. That is something I have always struggled to express. Especially in the face of constant layoffs. That if you take care of your people they will take care of you. If you establish them in a safe, stable, and respected environment they will do anything for you. Notice I didn’t say “stress free” or “easy”. Your job shouldn’t always be stress free or easy. In fact, I would challenge that if your job is either of those things you are never going to grow. We grow through adversity, but adversity doesn’t have to be at the expense of respect, safety or stability.

Jason is always touching on these topics and subjects and I take a lot of inspiration from his thoughts. I hope you do the same.