

Welcome to "The Hired Veteran".  I write about my experience as a veteran and the job search. My hope is that my adventures in job hunting help veterans find purpose and meaningful employment after they leave the uniform.  Please reach out to me and share your thoughts on what you think of the site!



I failed, but that's ok

I failed, but that's ok

Dall-e prompt: “Give yourself some grace” in the style of Hieronymus Bosch.

When I “restarted” this experiment called “The Hired Veteran” I told myself that I would get one post out a week. So far I haven’t kept up with that. And that is ok.

There has been a lot going on around here. I, honestly, have not had the energy to sit down and write. The time was there, the time is always there. But the energy has been lacking. Between losing someone very close to me to suicide and general “life” getting in the way I have been left feeling deflated, deenergized, and essentially just having a hard time getting excited about writing these posts.

But again, that is ok.

I also told myself that if I didn’t keep to that one post a week I was going to give myself some grace around it. I wasn’t going to just give up and say “well I couldn’t do it again!” and walk away, I was going to say “I couldn’t do it this week, let’s try again later”. And I have.

So, as much as this isn’t really a post about anything related to being a military veteran, or a job seeker, or a job switcher. It is me writing about something real.

The takeaway is give yourself the space you need to not do things, just as much as holding yourself accountable for doing things. The ability to step back is just as important as the ability to press forward when the time calls for it.

AI Wrote This: "How AI Can Empower Veterans in the Pursuit of Employment"

AI Wrote This: "How AI Can Empower Veterans in the Pursuit of Employment"

Do Your Buddy Checks

Do Your Buddy Checks