

Welcome to "The Hired Veteran".  I write about my experience as a veteran and the job search. My hope is that my adventures in job hunting help veterans find purpose and meaningful employment after they leave the uniform.  Please reach out to me and share your thoughts on what you think of the site!



Announcements: The Job Search

If you are one of probably four people that read this blog you may notice something.  The “Hire Me” link is missing from the main page.  Which means exactly what you think it means.  I finally found a job!  I took a position with an e-commerce marketing and brand management firm and I am just over 30 days in.  

That being said, that doesn't mean that this blog is going anywhere.  I may have found a job, but I still have a lot to stay about vets and our job searches and now I can work on focusing on what happens after you get the offer and start the job.  

I can say that I am really happy in this current position.  I like the work, I like the people, and I am learning a ton.  I am challenged on a daily basis and that is exactly what I wanted.  

So this blog really is finally the HIRED veteran rather than the vet looking to get hired.  For those still looking for your next opportunity keep hustling because the next opportunity could be right around the corner.  

Thank you all for your support,





Whose job is it to assimilate? Part 1

Announcements: NYC Speaking Panel “Veterans in the Workforce”