

Welcome to "The Hired Veteran".  I write about my experience as a veteran and the job search. My hope is that my adventures in job hunting help veterans find purpose and meaningful employment after they leave the uniform.  Please reach out to me and share your thoughts on what you think of the site!



Announcements: NYC Speaking Panel “Veterans in the Workforce”

On Tuesday of next week I will be speaking on a panel put on by Pride Global  called  “Veterans in the Workforce” (click link to register).  I will be speaking from the perspective of the veteran job seeker and I am honored to be able to provide my views on what that has been like.

I am also lucky enough to be joined by Patrick Wilkinson on the panel.  As you may remember Patrick was the guest blogger on the site all summer and has an amazing perspective on what a veteran needs to do to get hired from the HR perspective.  

Please check out the event landing page, here, for bios the other panelists and the purpose of the event.   

I will be doing a full write-up on the experience shortly after.  I also owe everyone an update on my job hunt.  It is still a hunt, and I have some good prospects going but in general I am still searching!  The quote, “adventure is just misery in retrospect”, has been coming to the forefront of my mind quite often recently.  The job search may not be misery but it is going to be nice when it is done.  

Thank you all for your continued support for this pet project as it grows and develops into whatever it may become.



Announcements: The Job Search

Musings: Kindness in a crazy world