All tagged Veterans in the Workforce

Top 5 Veteran Mistakes

I left active duty in 2014, in June of this year I will have officially been out of the Marines longer than I was in the Marines. That in and of itself doesn’t really mean anything, it’s just an arbitrary statistic. However, it does mean that my military service is largely irrelevant.

The United States Marine Corps is respected worldwide as an expeditionary fighting force, the likes of which the world has never seen, but also (and perhaps more importantly) the Corps is one of the foremost authorities in professionalism, leadership, and personal development techniques. Many young men and women (including myself back in 2011), stepped on the yellow footprints of a Marine Corps Recruit Depot and began a lifelong change of perspective.

I know what all three people who read this are asking? Is the blog back, are there plans for new posts, what has been going on for the past couple years while the blog has languished in un-updated horror? Well, some of those are yes, some are maybe, some are I am not sure.

If you are one of probably four people that read this blog you may notice something.  The “Hire Me” link is missing from the main page.  Which means exactly what you think it means.  I finally found a job!  I took a position with an e-commerce marketing and brand management firm and I am just over 30 days in.